Bulletin Board Ideas

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The internet is a great place to keep ideas. I have been trying to keep a “stone art” blog for some time now and I find it very helpful. Keeping a blog about bulletin boards has helped me organize my thoughts and share them with others. I am sure there are many other teachers out there that would enjoy reading about the things that go on in my classroom. I am currently working on finding a way to post pictures of the bulletin boards and how they look throughout the school year.

Bulletin boards are a great way to communicate with students, parents and colleagues. They are also a great resource for students and teachers to share information and display work. The term “bulletin board” has changed through the years. In the old school days, there were actual bulletin boards that could be found in many classrooms. Today, the term is used in reference to an electronic version of a bulletin board or a blog that contains many of the same features as a traditional bulletin board.*

There are many ways that you can use bulletin boards. Here are some ideas:

1. Keep parents informed about upcoming events such as conferences, field trips and monthly themes.

2. Allow parents to contribute ideas, tips, etc. in guest books or forms.

3. Use it for communication about classroom behavior rules, upcoming holidays and activities, etc.

4. Share resources with other teachers such as websites with free activities that you have used or created yourself.*

5. Post classroom news such as birthdays, special events and notes from home.*

6. Create surveys and polls with responses from students and parents.*

7. Encourage students to write about how they feel about their learning environment.*

8. Encourage students to create class rules that everyone

Lately, we have been looking at some bulletin boards in my daughter’s room. It is a great place to see the creativity of a class at work. However, one thing that I have noticed is that it is best to make sure that the students are actually WRITING on the board and not just drawing pictures. The difference between a written sentence and a picture seems to be getting lost these days.

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Today, bulletin boards are still being used in classrooms for the same reason that they were at first created: to communicate important information to students and teachers. However, there are many ways to use a bulletin board, from displaying student work to organizing classroom activities.

Text-based bulletin boards can be simple or elaborate. To create a simple bulletin board with just a few notices, attach pushpins to cardboard and then attach the cardboard to the wall. If you want multiple layers of information, cut out the center of a sheet of cardboard, place it behind the front layer and file more notices in between the two sheets. If you want a more elegant display, create an attractive frame using molding or decorative paper.

If you want your bulletin board to have more visual appeal than text-based, you can use photographs or other graphics instead of words. To make these types of displays functional, it is useful if all of your graphics have a uniform size so that they will fit on the same type of frame or background. You may also want to include arrows pointing toward important points on each graphic.

You can also use your bulletin board as a way for students to display their work for others to see. This is done by simply hanging up work on thumbtacks or pushpins

Bulletin boards are a great way to communicate with students while they are in your classroom. I have found that bulletin boards are the perfect thing to put up at the start of the year and then again at the end of the year.

Accountability is one reason why I like bulletin boards. This can be used as a tool for both, you as a teacher and also for students. It’s a way for them to know exactly what is expected from them, but it’s also an opportunity for you to communicate with your students about their standards and how you would like them to meet those standards.

Bulletin boards are also a great way to get rid of clutter! If you have been saving those papers that have been piling on your desk or in your drawers, put them in an envelope and hang them on the bulletin board for all to see! You may find that some people will help you clean out your desk because they can’t stand all that clutter!

Bulletin boards can also be used as rewards. I am using my bulletin board right now as a reward! I’m going through my folders of papers, cutting out all my A+ papers and putting them on my board so that everyone can see who earned an A+. It feels good when

If you’re working with bulletin boards, there are many opportunities to incorporate art into your classroom. Below is a collection of ideas with examples that can be used to display student’s work, help engage students in the classroom, and even have students create their own projects.

**Teacher bulletin boards:**

Teachers can create a bulletin board that displays information about the class, school and community. Bulletin boards can also be used to display student work (ie. Book Talks) or to plan unit and lesson activities for the week.

**Student bulletin boards:**

Students can use bulletin boards to share their learning with others (ie. Project Display). Students can also be given opportunities to create their own bulletin boards as part of an art project or class job (ie. Class Jobs).

**Target areas:**

Bulletin boards are a great way to keep students on task and engaged in their learning; however, it does take time to hang everything up. It’s important to know what you want your target area for an activity will be so you know where things should be placed!

I am a college student who is taking a teaching job as soon as I graduate. I have been in the classroom many times and have taken several different classes. I feel that I have gained a lot of experience in this area and would like to share some of my ideas with you. You may not agree with all of them, but at least give them a try.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Bulletin Boards for Better Learning

I’ve been reading through the blogs and there are a lot of great ideas out there. One thing that seems to be missing though is bulletin boards. While I was working in the classroom, I saw bulletin boards used in many ways. They can be used to display students work, schedule activities around the room, or even just an area where students can write things they want others to see. We do use bulletin boards to post information about items going on around campus, but we don’t just stop there. Bulletin boards are also used as a way for us to display work samples so that we can always show our work sample when asked for one by another teacher or even parents/guardians. One technique we use is simply displaying work samples around the room so that it draws attention to them and promotes learning opportunities. Another technique we use is displaying work

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