The Magic Mushroom Artist is a concept that was born out of the idea that art and nature can be combined through the use of magic mushrooms. In this way, the artist uses the psychedelic experience to explore ideas and forms from their subconscious mind in order to create new and interesting pieces of art. The psychedelic experience allows for new ways of thinking about a problem or issue and lets an artist see things in a different light. With more insight, it leads to more creativity and inspiration for artists to create amazing works.
The Magic Mushroom Artist has been working on such a project for over three years now: an album called The Psychedelic Experience, where he has combined his art with his personal experiences from magic mushrooms. The album will be released on 7 January 2015. The artwork has already been completed and the release will include a limited edition double gatefold vinyl, CD and digital download.
It is possible to follow his work by visiting
My name is Max Galka and I am an artist living in Brooklyn, New York. I have been making art for many years, but I’ve never had an art show before.
I make sculptures out of mushroom mycelium instead of paint. These are living sculptures that grow on their own and can last for years.
I created this Kickstarter project to fund the printing of a fine art book that will introduce my artwork to the public. The book will contain many color photographs of my work, as well as essays by world-renowned scientists and artists. The book will be printed in a limited edition of 1000 copies, each signed by me.
The goal of this project is to raise $5000 so I can create a beautiful full-color book to help me promote my artwork to galleries and collectors all over the world. But if we raise more than $5000, then I’ll use some of that money to create even more beautiful mushroom sculptures!
If you select one of the rewards offered in this Kickstarter project, you will own one or more original pieces of mushroom art created by me personally! For example, you might receive a small square plaque or a larger 3D sculpture in the shape of a tree or mushroom cap. You could also receive a very
I always wanted a good way to make art of mushrooms. The combination is so cool, and I could imagine how beautiful it could look. It was just a matter of finding the right way to do it, and I was determined to find it someday.
This year, I finally did.
Making art out of mushrooms can be challenging, because each species of mushroom is a little bit different. And you want the colors and shapes of the finished piece to look just right, which means you have to design it when you are still mostly imagining what the final product will look like.
But this year, I had an idea: use my knowledge about biology and medicine to help me figure out exactly how much detail I needed to include in my designs, so that the end result would be as beautiful as possible no matter what species of mushroom I used for each piece.
Using simple mathematical formulas based on the structure of mushroom gills, with some additional research into famous examples of art made from mushrooms, I designed a new set of templates that incorporates all the information about every mushroom species into one template for every species. Now, no matter what kind of mushroom I’m using for a particular piece, all I have to do is follow directions to cut out the shapes, glue them
The Art of the Fungi is an attempt to bridge the gap between people and the fungi. I aim to promote awareness and appreciation of these wonderful organisms through my artwork. By using all the artist’s skills, including drawing, painting, photography, digital imaging, and sculpture, I hope to create new interest in mycology as well as art.
I want to raise awareness of one such organism in particular – the humble mushroom. Mushrooms have been around for what seems like eternity yet are still largely misunderstood by society at large.
I hope that by revealing a little more of their beauty through my art I will help people to look at these fascinating organisms in a whole new light.
I have been a professional artist for over 20 years now, and I am so glad I haven’t given up. Art is an amazing thing, it can make people rich, bring them fame and recognition, but you have to have the passion in you to create something that will last forever. When I was younger I wanted to be an artist, but my parents didn’t want me to give up my dreams of having a family, so they said that I should be a doctor. My father thought that once I had a family of my own, I would forget about art and just settle down and live like everyone else.
But when I finally found the courage to leave home at 21, I went straight back to art. And it was one of the best decisions I ever made in life!
I don’t care what other people say about me or my work, because at the end of the day only one person matters; me. If someone doesn’t like what I do, it’s their problem not mine. The only opinion that matters is your own when you’re creating something new and beautiful. Because if you don’t love what you do then how can anyone else?
I think one of the reasons why so many artists stop creating new things is because they don’t
Mushrooms are the fruiting body of a larger organism called a mycelium. A mycelium can be as small as a kernel of wheat or as big as a redwood tree and is usually found in soil.
A mycelium, unlike most other living things, does not want to survive for just one season or one year. It wants to survive for millennia, so it doesn’t waste any energy on growing more biomass than it needs to. Instead it spends its energy on growing hyphae. Hyphae are long fibrous structures, somewhat like roots, that reach out in all directions looking for food and moisture. They look for sources of glucose, which is the easiest thing for them to digest, but they can also use amino acids and lactic acid.
A mycelium will absorb nutrients through its hyphae, digest them into glucose and then pump that glucose back out through the cell wall into the surrounding water solution where it can be picked up by plants or animals. This process is called “extraction.” A mycelium uses extraction to support its growth and also to store excess glucose in times of plenty so it has food in times of famine.
There’s nothing particularly interesting about this process unless you’re an artist who