Bathroom Art Your New Favorite Sketching Style

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Bathroom Art: Your New Favorite Sketching Style is a blog about a new drawing style along with an easy tutorial on how to do it yourself. This new art style is made by drawing with Sharpie permanent markers and then erasing the marks you don’t want. The artist leaves the marks that are left behind on the page making images that are not pixel perfect but have a very unique look to them. You can see more examples of this new style at his blog and also read some tutorials if you would like to give it a try yourself.

Bathroom Art: Your New Favorite Sketching Style is all about the new sketching style, along with a tutorial on how to do it yourself. You will find out how fun and easy it is.

So, why a tutorial on bathroom art? Because I have discovered a new style of sketching, and even though this is totally unoriginal and not at all creative, you can do it too. And it’s fun!

My name is Kristy, and I love to draw. Oh, wait… my name is Dora. I’m sorry about that. I’m the one who has discovered the cool new sketching style. It’s called bathroom art.

In case you haven’t heard of it yet, check out some sample pictures:

You can also search for “bathroom art” on Google Images if you want more examples.

The style isn’t new; people have been doing it for years now. It’s just that no one realized they were doing something with a name until now. It’s kind of like how no one knew that writing in text-speak was something people did until someone came up with the word “textese.”

Bathroom Art is a very interesting drawing technique. It was used by an artist named Jean-Claude Forest in the 1960’s. He created a comic book series called “Barbarella” which was quite popular. It was also made into a movie of the same name starring Jane Fonda. The style is unique in that it is done entirely with colored pencils, watercolors and various other media.

Tutorial on how to do it yourself:

The blog can be found here:*

Image Source:**

This image is used under Creative Commons License


The bathroom is an ideal place to get some drawing done. The lighting is good, and there’s never a shortage of subjects.

The most important thing that you need to understand when drawing in the bathroom is that you are not trying to impress anyone with your artistic talent. No one else other than you will ever see your work, so I suggest that you just go ahead and try something that seems cool to you and not worry about how it comes out.


First, take a look around the room for ideas. You’ll be surprised how many things you find. If you’re in a public bathroom, like at a coffee shop or airport, then feel free to sketch whatever is in front of you. But if you’re in a private bathroom, only draw what belongs to the person who’s bathroom it is.

You can start off by drawing anything you want. However, I personally recommend starting off with simple shapes, like spheres or cylinders, because they are easy to draw, but still visually interesting. There are many different ways these shapes can intersect each other in interesting ways. And sometimes it helps if you have something more complex behind them so you have an idea of where everything

I have been a little frustrated with the lack of bathroom art on the internet. I mean, for all these years, people have been discussing art and artists in blogs, but no one has really discussed bathroom art.

Truly, bathroom art is an incredible genre of painting. It is not just a few simple doodles, it is an entire way of life.

Bathroom artists are the innovators and artists of our time. They change what art is and what it can be seen as. Bathroom art shows us that even the most simple and banal things in life can become amazing pieces of art.

There are many different styles to choose from when you go to create your own bathroom art masterpieces. There is no right or wrong way to do it, as long as you have fun! The important thing is to remember that everyone has a limit to their creativity, so don’t push yourself too hard. If you feel like your artistic skills are lacking, don’t worry! You can always improve with practice!!

Many of us have had the experience of seeing something for the first time, perhaps in a museum or art gallery, and seeing it so clearly that we wonder how we could have missed it all our lives. The whole world seems to have been distilled down to this one simple, perfect thing.

The thing that happens when you first see something truly new is not just that you suddenly understand it, but that you start to see what else it might be related to, and how. You don’t just figure out a new thing; you make a new mental category.

In languages such as English and German, adjectives can be formed from nouns by changing the ending. Originally these were simply words that were more precise versions of nouns: sweet was an adjective made from the noun sweet; hoarse was an adjective made from the noun horse. But over time they came to acquire a distinct meaning, and then they became so important they got their own class in grammar books (adjective).

Now imagine that we were discovering adjectives for the first time….

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