Art is not limited to paper and canvas. It can be so much more than that: a blog about art. Art is an idea or series of ideas that you see on a piece of paper or canvas. You can see art in museums in the form of paintings, sculptures, and other items. You can also see it at home with your family.
Art has been around since humans have been around, and it will likely be around for as long as there are humans on earth. Although art is not limited to paper or canvas, it is presented in those formats because they are easy to display and transport.
I know what you’re thinking: there’s art world, and then there’s the rest of the world. But there’s a lot more overlap than you might think.
There are plenty of artists working today whose work wouldn’t look out of place in a museum or gallery. Art isn’t limited to paper and canvas — or ceramics or glass or bronze or textiles or any other traditional material. And it isn’t limited to paintings, sculptures, and installations. It can be photography, film, performance, poetry — anything that moves someone emotionally, intellectually, or viscerally.
Blog about art is a blog about all this stuff: about the artists who create it and the collectors who buy it; about museums and galleries; about auction houses and art fairs; about critics and curators; about fans and bloggers and everyone else who talks or thinks or dreams about art.
Art can be many different things to many different people. For some people, art is painting on canvas or paper; for some art is dance or music; and for others art is writing a blog about art.
Trying to pin down what exactly art is can be a difficult task. Art is not something that can be expressed in just one word or in just one sentence. Even if you could define what art is, it would be impossible to explain all of the aspects of art in just one definition. So even if you were able to come up with a definition explaining what exactly art is, this definition simply wouldn’t cover everything there is to know about art.
There are so many different definitions and types of art that it’s hard to think of all the possible forms that art can take. It can be sculpture, such as Rodin’s The Thinker; it can be a painting such as Monet’s Water Lilies; it can be a book such as War and Peace; it can be a play such as Death of a Salesman; or it could take the form of any one of countless other things including poetry, music, architecture, sculpture, dance and movies.
The art world has become so large that there is room for a blog about art. An art blog can be about any kind of art. There are blogs about sculpture and blogs about painting. There are even blogs about architecture and design.
Taschen publishes art books. They publish many different kinds of art books:art photography,art history,art instruction,and more. The books they publish are beautiful. The way the colors blend and flow is so pleasing to the eye. Taschen also sells posters of famous paintings and prints of photographs taken by famous photographers. Taschen also sells calendars with pictures of beautiful nature scenes on them;it’s another way to enjoy art all year long.
Art is any creative practice, no matter what materials or methods are used. It could be a painting on paper or a poem on the page or a song in the air or a dance in the street. It might be an original or a copy, a work of individual authorship or one of collaboration. It might be created for an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) or in your living room.
There are as many kinds of art as there are kinds of creativity, and more kinds than one can imagine. The arts are not confined to museums and galleries, concert halls and theaters. They exist in every culture and community, no matter how remote.’
In the Roman Empire, the art that flourished was overwhelmingly sculpture and architecture. That seems surprising to us—we think of art as paintings on paper, paintings on canvas, or photographs. But those aren’t the only ways to make art.
Roman sculpture and architecture were not just decoration. They were integrated with public life. Statues in public places embodied ideals of virtue and power. They were also understood as embodiments of the power of the people who had chosen to put them there.
Roman statues were not realistic representations of specific individuals; they stood for general types: male, female, young, old, goddesses, gods. Some sculptures showed idealized figures from mythology; others showed a person’s ancestors.
Art that we think of as modern—paintings on paper and canvas—was important in Rome too, but it was less integrated into everyday life than the other arts.* Life for most Romans revolved around public spaces such as markets and town squares, where art was displayed; private spaces such as home shrines were less important.
The museum looked like a warehouse from the outside, but once you were inside it was much more impressive. There was an audio guide available, but I decided against it because I wanted to explore on my own. I started in the Egyptian room, which contained a lot of statues and sarcophagi. I moved on to the Greek sculptures and vases in the next room. It wasn’t long before I came across an interesting object: a half-meter statue of a man named Gaius Prentus, who had been a slave in ancient Rome. He owned his own business and became so successful that he was able to buy his freedom.
That got me thinking about how far we’ve come with art in the past couple thousand years. I mean, can you imagine if today someone made a statue of me? It would probably be terrible! Statues from back then seem so much better than anything made now because people had more time to learn their craft back then. But maybe there’s something else going on, too…