Are You Satisfied? Take This Test and Find Out!

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**Are You Satisfied? Take This Test and Find Out!

Customer satisfaction is a key concern for most organizations, yet there is little agreement about how to measure it. Some business leaders believe it is possible to develop an effective test that will reveal how satisfied customers really are. Others argue that it is impossible to answer this question with a single number or percentage.

What Is Customer Satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is the extent to which a customer’s expectations are met or exceeded. Therefore, customer satisfaction can only be determined after a customer has completed a particular transaction or experiences a certain product or service.

Tests of customer satisfaction can be divided into two categories: objective tests and subjective tests. Objective tests employ quantitative measurement scales designed to determine the degree of customer satisfaction with a business’s products or services. Subjective tests are based on qualitative studies of customer responses, often interviews, that are designed to determine the reasons for customer dissatisfaction.

For example, an objective test might ask customers to rate their overall experience with a business on a scale from one to five, with five being the best possible score (one being the worst). A subjective test might ask customers if they would recommend the business in question to friends and family and why they have made this recommendation (or not).

Customer satisfaction is a key driver of the success or failure of any business. However, it has evolved into a survey conducted by the company rather than a dialog between the customer and the company. This results in businesses only seeing what they want to see, causing them to miss opportunities for improvement and ultimately harming their ability to compete.

What is Customer Satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is a term used to describe how satisfied customers are with the products, services and/or experiences that they have received from a company. It is one of the most important business metrics as it has been proven that happy customers are more likely to do repeat business with a company while unhappy customers will seek out alternatives in order to get what they need.

How Can I Increase Customer Satisfaction?

A number of strategies can be employed to improve customer satisfaction. Here are some tips for increasing customer satisfaction:

* Empower your employees to make decisions – If you empower your employees by letting them take ownership of their work and give them flexibility in how they do it, it will increase their engagement with their job and increase their performance. This will result in higher levels of customer satisfaction because your employees will be able to go above and beyond for your customers based on their knowledge of how best to serve them.

As the holiday season approaches, retailers are focusing on customer satisfaction. In some industries, customer satisfaction is measured by asking the customer how satisfied they are at the time of purchase. Other industries require a follow-up survey to determine how long that satisfaction lasts. Still others track profits based on repeat business, lost business due to unsatisfied customers, and other factors.

The following is a test to determine if you are a happy customer or not. The test consists of three questions and one statement. The statement is true only if you have an opinion about it. The answers to the first two questions must be “yes” or “no,” but the answer to the third question can be either “definitely yes” or “probably yes.”

1) Are you satisfied with your life? (You may answer “No” if your life is perfect.) 2) Are you satisfied with your job? 3) Are you satisfied with your appearance?

If you answered “Yes” to all three of these questions, then you are probably a very happy person – and definitely need this book! If any one of these questions was answered “No,” then you probably have some issues in those areas that may be causing unhappiness – and definitely need this book! If your answers were somewhere

Let’s say you’re the manager of an upscale restaurant. Your business is doing well, but you’re not happy with the way your wait staff is handling customer complaints. One day you sit down and write out a list of what you consider to be the top ten possible customer complaints about your restaurant. Then you ask two of your servers to come in for a meeting. You hand them each a piece of paper with their name on it, and tell them that this is their “customer complaint report.” You tell them that their job is to read through these customers’ complaints and come up with one for which they feel most personally responsible. Then they are to use that complaint to prepare a five-minute monologue. The monologue should be delivered to a coworker of theirs whom they believe deserves blame for their own mistakes.

The first server reads his list and chooses Complaint

Are you satisfied with your life? If you are, that’s great. But if you’re not, here’s a test that will tell you why.

The test was originally developed by Erich Fromm, the German-born psychologist who later moved to the United States and became famous as a psychoanalyst. He called it “The Significance Test.”

Fromm offered this test to hundreds of his patients, and he described its results in his book The Art of Loving. The patients who did well on the test were those who had found ways to satisfy themselves, no matter what their external circumstances. The patients who did poorly on the test were those who felt that they needed outside things—money, success, fame—in order to be satisfied.

The world is full of things no one would have ever thought to make, except the market demanded them. The market does not demand that we make impossible things, but it does demand that we make new things. And that often enough leads to impossible things.

The market can be satisfied in a variety of ways. But satisfaction is not the same thing as happiness. If you’re satisfied, you’re happy; if you’re happy, you’re satisfied; but they are different things. If you are paid $50,000 a year and think that is all anyone could expect from you, you are satisfied. If your boss pays you $100,000 a year and thinks he got a bargain, he is happy.

When people say “I’m satisfied,” what they usually mean is “I’m not particularly happy.” They may not be unhappy either, but they aren’t particularly thrilled about anything. It’s a lack of enthusiasm more than an active unhappiness or dissatisfaction. People who aren’t particularly unhappy or dissatisfied don’t spend much time thinking about what they are feeling. So the way to find out whether someone is particularly happy or dissatisfied is not to ask him how he feels but to watch what he does with his time and money._|_


You are walking through an art museum. You pause before a painting to study it carefully. Then you move on, and never give it another thought.

You might have bought that painting instead.

What would it have cost you? $100? $10,000? If a tourist had the same experience in your house, would you be happy to hear him say “It’s perfect!” and leave?

If you own an expensive bottle of wine and someone says “You could buy this bottle of wine for $100” or “You could buy 100 bottles of this wine for $10,000,” which sounds better to you?

The answer is not obvious. It depends on how much you value the painting, or the wine. The price tells you how many dollars you can trade for another unit of happiness. But it doesn’t tell you how much happiness is in each unit. The same amount of happiness can be packed into different numbers of units at different prices.*

In that case a price tag is more than just a number: it’s a little piece of art—a sculpture, if you will—that displays information about itself by its shape. And like any kind of art, it has to be judged in context. What counts as a good or

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