Fish tanks come in all shapes, sizes and styles. A lot of the time the decision of what kind you want or even what size you want is based upon your budget and what kind of fish you want to keep. Typical fish tank sizes range anywhere from 1 to 100 gallons. Some people opt for a more unique shape than a standard rectangle as well.
The first thing to consider is how many fish you’d like to keep in your aquarium. Generally, 1 gallon per inch of fish will give you a good starting point. For example, if you wanted to keep 8 fish in your tank, the general rule would be that your tank should be at least 8 gallons and at most 10 gallons. If you wanted to keep 12 fish, the general rule would be that your tank should be at least 12 gallons and no more than 15 gallons.
Now that we have an idea of how many fish we can keep in our aquarium, let’s take a look at different shape options available:
-Standard rectangle/square aquariums are probably the most common out there, but they don’t always fit well into homes or spaces that aren’t set up for them already. Rectangle shaped tanks are usually the smaller ones, usually ranging from 2-5 gallons. Square shaped tanks are
A fish tank is a place in which you can keep your fish. It is also a visual focal point that makes the room stand out and look different than the other rooms in your house. A fish tank is a great way to enhance the appearance of any room. Fish tanks can be made from glass or acrylic. Acrylic is less expensive, but is more difficult to clean and has a tendency to scratch easily.
Before you decide on purchasing a fish tank for yourself, there are some factors that need to be taken into consideration. These include:
1) The size of the tank- A fish tank has to be big enough for all of the fish that are going to live in it. How big does it have to be? Well, this depends on the number and size of the fish that will be living in it. An average rule of thumb would be that one gallon of water per inch of fish should do just fine. This means that if you have four small fish, then a 10 gallon tank would be sufficient.
2) The shape of the aquarium- This is an important consideration because it will determine how much light enters the aquarium, and how much water enters it as well. If you want more light then choose an aquarium with lots of vertical space like
Aquarium fish tanks can be made from glass or acrylic and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The most common shapes are rectangular, hexagonal and round.
The size of your aquarium should depend on the number of fish you want to keep inside it. Your aquarium will also need space for equipment, such as air stones, water pumps, filters and heaters.
The length of the tank is measured from front to back, while the width is measured from left to right. The depth is measured from the front to the back so you know whether you can place your tank on a table or whether you’ll need a stand for it.
Most fish hobbyists purchase their first aquarium without doing a lot of research into the subject. They just buy the first tank they see. They may not even have a fish in mind when they set out to buy an aquarium. This is a mistake, because the type of aquarium chosen will have a strong effect on how enjoyable it will be to watch your fish.
The size of your fish tank should depend upon the types of fish you intend to keep, what kinds of plants you want to grow, and how big of an aquarium you can afford. Most importantly, the size and shape of your tank should match the type of fish you wish to keep.
The shape of your tank can also play an important role in how enjoyable it is to watch your fish. Tanks that are taller than they are wide tend to give new hobbyists trouble with water circulation, especially if there are high-maintenance plants in the tank. If there is only one filter for such an aquarium, then the filter is going to spend most of its time cleaning out debris from the top layers of water instead of keeping things clean at all levels throughout the tank. A tall, skinny tank with a good filter can still be beautiful and interesting, but it isn’t ideal for everyone.
Fish tanks that
The fish tank is a vital part of a healthy home aquarium. It provides the fish with a place to live and essentially serves as a storage unit for the water that is constantly being exchanged between the tank and the filtration equipment.
The size of the tank you will need should match the number of fish you plan to keep in it. The general rule is one inch of adult fish per gallon of water. So, for example, if you want to keep two inch long goldfish, you’ll need at least a 20-gallon tank.
A standard rectangular aquarium works best for most types of fish. You can get them in different shapes, but these are not as popular because they provide less surface area per gallon than their rectangular counterparts. A standard long aquarium measures 10 to 12 inches wide and three or four feet long (depending on how much room you have). A large rectangular aquarium measures 18 to 20 inches by 10 to 12 inches.
Aquariums come in glass or acrylic. Glass is heavier and more durable than acrylic, but also more expensive and less clear than acrylic aquariums. Both glass and acrylic come in a variety of colors and finishes which are largely a matter of personal taste . . .
Every fishkeeper is faced with the same question: How big a tank do I need?
There are three basic answers, and they are not equally good. The first is to go with the biggest tank you can afford. This approach is common in aquaria stores, where tanks are priced according to size, but on the Internet or in catalogs, you see a lot of misleading advertising about tank size expressed in gallons “or liters.” You may be tempted to think, for example, that a 55-gallon (208-liter) tank is twice as big as a 27-gallon (100-liter) tank. But it isn’t; it’s only about 25 percent bigger.
In general, you should never make comparisons between tanks on the basis of their stated capacity in gallons or liters; always compare them on the basis of surface area. Gallons and liters measure volume, which is just one dimension of a rectangular tank (the other two dimensions being length and width). Surface area measures how much swimming room there is.
For example, if you have two tanks with identical volumes — both 50 gallons — one might be shaped like an L with a total surface area of 100 square inches (a 20- by 20-inch base), while
We’ve all seen the fishbowl in the corner of a living room, with a small gold fish swimming around inside. It’s a common enough fixture; we take it for granted that goldfish need little more than what they can fit into an inch or two of water. But there’s no reason why our fish needs to be so limited. The right tank can make him feel as at home as any tropical species.
Density is key to making your goldfish happy. Get the water too shallow and he’ll have to swim too hard to move around. Get it too deep, and he won’t be able to reach the surface for air. Goldfish like at least 3-4 inches of water on top of them, and if you’re planning on adding other fish along with your goldfish, you might want 5 inches or more. For optimal comfort, then, plan on a tank that’s at least three times as long as the longest fish you want to keep in it.
If you want a traditional “bowl” shape, this means you should get something between 12 and 15 gallons in size. If instead you’d prefer something taller and narrower, such as one of those cool “terrariums” you see sometimes in pet stores, plan on getting