6 Tips to Prevent Your Dog from Getting Kidney Disease

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The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that clean the blood and help control blood pressure and the production of red blood cells. Unfortunately, kidney disease in dogs is common, but with a little effort you can help prevent your dog from getting it.

• Exercise: Dogs should get about 30 minutes of exercise daily. Even a walk around the block will boost their energy levels, aid digestion, strengthen their heart and lungs.

• Diet: Feed your dog a food specifically made for his size, age and activity level. Dogs that eat too much or too little are more likely to develop kidney problems.

• Water: Make sure your dog has access to plenty of fresh water—until they’re old enough to drink tap water, give them bottled water instead.

• Preventative Medication: If your dog is seriously overweight, talk to your veterinarian about starting him on a prescription diet to lose weight.

• Checkups: Schedule regular visits to the vet so your dog can be tested for kidney disease—it’s one of the most common canine diseases, so if caught early enough it can be treated with medication.

• Contact Info: Keep the phone number for local emergency clinics or animal hospitals where you can quickly get advice about how to administer medication to dogs with kidney failure

Kidney disease in dogs is a common ailment that can lead to several health issues. Though it is difficult to cure, the symptoms and treatments can be managed with proper care.

Before getting into the tips of preventing kidney disease, it is important to know exactly what kidney disease is. Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that produce urine. When kidneys are working properly, they help maintain fluid balance and remove wastes, salts, and extra water from the body.

Treating or managing kidney disease can be quite difficult for pet owners who don’t understand the ailment well. Below are the 6 tips to prevent kidney disease in your dogs.

1) Feed your dog a high-quality diet

Dogs require a special diet that must be supplemented with nutrients essential for proper kidney functioning. Feeding your pet an unhealthy diet can cause serious long-term health issues such as kidney failure and other chronic diseases.

2) Take him for regular vet visits

It’s very important to take your dog for regular checkups at the vet’s office for early detection of kidney disease symptoms. Your vet will perform a physical examination, conduct blood tests and urinalysis to detect any irregularities in his renal functioning. Early detection of renal issues is vital towards effective treatment and prevention of

Kidney disease in dogs is a problem that you don’t want to have to deal with. It is sad and stressful, and your dog will not be in good health. But it can be prevented.

If you are going to get a dog, take some time to learn about the diseases that they can suffer from. It could save your pet’s life. And even if you have a dog already, it is important that you know what kinds of problems your dog might face and how to prevent them.

Treat your dog well and you may be rewarded with many years of companionship. Kidney disease in dogs is one problem that you will want to avoid.

1. Know the Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Dogs

Kidney disease is a tricky disease because it is often invisible. The symptoms are vague and do not manifest all at once. However, if you are aware of the symptoms and take action early, you can significantly reduce the risk of kidney failure.

Treatment for kidney disease includes a special diet, prescription medications, dialysis, and kidney transplant. Treatments can be costly, but there are many ways to reduce your dog’s medical expenses.

kidney disease in dogs is a common health concern for dog owners. The causes of kidney disease in dogs are many and varied, including your pet’s diet and even the water he drinks. In some cases, kidney disease in dogs may be controlled with dietary adjustments and medication, while other cases may require more advanced treatment.

Treating kidney disease in dogs takes time and patience, but with a little help from you and your vet, your dog will live a long and healthy life.

1. Increase Water Intake: One of the best things you can do to prevent kidney disease in dogs is to make sure he drinks enough water. Even if you give him regular access to fresh water, it’s a good idea to make sure he always has a bowl of water available to him throughout the day. Dogs that don’t drink enough water are at increased risk for developing kidney problems because their kidneys work harder to filter body toxins that can damage these organs. If your dog is having trouble drinking adequate amounts of water on his own, you can add a few drops of tuna juice or broth to his bowl each day to encourage him to drink more.

2. Feed High-Quality Diet: The quality of your dog’s diet plays an important role in helping to prevent kidney disease in dogs

My dog has kidney disease. I had no idea that dogs could get kidney disease. I mean, I knew they could have diseases of the kidney, but I never realized that it was something to worry about.

I was always told to feed my dog a special diet so he wouldn’t get “kidney failure”. Now that I know what kidney failure is, I realize I have probably been feeding my dog a special diet for years.

What is Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease occurs when there is an inability of the kidneys to filter out wastes and concentrate urine properly. The kidneys basically act as a filtration system for our bodies. They remove excess water and waste products from our blood stream and excrete them in our urine so we can urinate them out of our body.


The kidneys are responsible for removing waste from the body, and filtering excess water. When they fail to function properly, it can cause a buildup of toxins in your pet’s bloodstream, which will lead to organ failure. Kidney disease and failure in dogs is not uncommon; in fact, it is one of the most common causes of death in dogs.

Treatment will depend on where your dog’s kidney disease falls on the severity scale. Some dogs with mild kidney disease may never experience any symptoms at all throughout their lives. Others with more advanced kidney disease may need to be treated for the rest of their lives. If you suspect that your dog is experiencing some symptoms associated with kidney disease, take him in for a check-up as soon as possible. The earlier treatment begins, the better his chances are for long-term survival.

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