Here is a simple 5-step process you can use to improve your drawing skills. The first step is to set aside some time each day for art. Even just 15 minutes a day will help you make progress. The second step is to learn the basics of drawing: how to hold a pencil, how to form letters and numbers, and how to make lines of different weights and thicknesses.
Step three is to practice basic drawing techniques: shading, blending, crosshatching, etc. Step four is to draw from life whenever possible (or photos if you live in a cave). Step five is to spend some time each day on composition, perspective and design.
The biggest thing that I see holding artists back is the fear of putting their work out into the world. So many people seem to believe that if you share your art with others, you’re afraid to get honest criticism because you’re afraid of being judged. The first step in getting better is to let go of this fear. It takes courage to put your art out there for people to see, and it takes courage to accept their comments about it, but really, it’s just art. Nothing will happen to you even if your friends don’t like it.
When I put my art out there, I have the mindset that people will say whatever they want and I’m going to take whatever they say and learn from it. I don’t ever get defensive or angry because I know that no matter what someone says, they are not attacking me personally. They are trying to help me improve my work. We all want to improve!
Here are five steps to becoming a better artist:
1) Be honest with yourself
2) Get some feedback on your work
3) Take criticism seriously (in a positive way!)
4) Keep trying new things
5) Don’t give up when things get hard!
In art, there are many ways to improve and grow. Like any other craft or skill, it takes practice and time to become really good at it. No one is born an artist (at least none that I know of) but with practice and hard work, you can definitely improve your skills. Here are some tips that I’ve personally found helpful in my own journey as an artist.
1) Get feedback on your work: Who knows better than someone who is not you, what needs work on? Other people will be able to give you insight into how to improve your work.
2) Read as much as you can: Read about art techniques, read about artists, read about the history of art and take online courses if you can. Art is a never-ending learning process.
3) Find a critique partner: Find someone who will give you honest feedback on your work. Not all criticism is helpful but some is essential to the growth process.
4) Don’t compare yourself to others: We all start somewhere-you are no different from anyone else out there in the world; just because someone else already has done something you want to do/create doesn’t mean you have to wait for them to finish before you start doing it/creating it
I thought it was time I write up a simple post on how to improve your art, because I’ve gotten a bunch of questions on it. I never had any formal training, but have learned a lot from other artists and by reading books and experimenting, and I’m happy to share what I know.
1. Understand the basics of art.
2. Find your own style and improve your technique within that style.
3. Practice and learn from your mistakes.
4. Learn to draw, paint, sculpt or whatever medium you are using with confidence and passion.
5. Study the work of artists you admire and try to incorporate what you like in their work into yours.
* Tools *Any type of drawing or painting tools will work, though you may not achieve your desired results with every tool. Some of the best tools to use are pencils, watercolor paint brushes, and many different types of paint.
*Papers *The paper you choose has a major impact on your finished artwork. You should try different types of papers to see what works best for you.*
1. Work on art that people want to see
2. Make sure it’s finished before you show it to anyone
3. Study the winners of art contests, especially those with an audience voted choice (like the DAOTY awards)
4. Copy the masters
5. Use references and mimic successful styles