3 Tips for Practicing Art on Your Own Terms

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3 Tips For Practicing Art On Your Own Terms: 1.   The most important tool is the artist’s brain.         The second most important tool is the artist’s brain.         The third most important tool is the artist’s brain.

2. Be open to new things and expect good things to happen. Don’t let others tell you what is good art or bad art. Your goal is to do art on your own terms, not theirs. Do what you like and don’t listen to people who say it can’t be done. 3. Remember it’s just a hobby so enjoy yourself.”**

Being an artist is tough. You have to find your own way and ignore what the world wants from you. Here are some tips for practicing art on your own terms:

Artists, it is often said, are born; they are not made. While that may be true in the same sense that great athletes or brilliant mathematicians are born, it is certainly not true in the way that most people take for granted.

Truly exceptional artists – those whose works moves us or enriches our lives – have not only been blessed with talent but have also worked hard. The best math and science students are not just born with a strong ability to reason logically; they have also practiced, sometimes for hours each day, honing their skills until they are truly exceptional.

Similarly, Leonardo da Vinci was not just “born” the greatest artist of his day; he worked (and drew and painted and studied) until he achieved that distinction.

In this post I want to share three tips for how you can practice your own art on your own terms: how you can work on becoming more productive at creating art – whether that’s drawing or writing or making music.

“Artistic freedom” is a concept that comes up often in the conversation about being an artist. It’s a concept that is hard to fully understand. This is why it’s so important to have a solid understanding of this idea, and how to get it.

The following tips will help you understand what artistic freedom really means. And once you do, you’ll be able to apply these tips to your life as an artist to accomplish your goals and dreams for yourself.


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I was going to write a blog post explaining how I make money as an artist but I realized it’s not really important. I don’t think I’m any better than anyone else who is struggling with finding the way to be creative in today’s world. So instead I just want to share what has helped me get through this last year and a half of being in my studio every day, alone with only my work for company.

I used to feel like if I didn’t have an exhibit opening or a sales event, then it wasn’t real art. If someone didn’t pay me for it, then it wasn’t real art. When I look back at the ten years before starting this blog, I realize that there are many ways that have been valuable for me as an artist and that have resulted in some great opportunities for me. But those things never made up the bulk of my time as an artist and they were not what kept me happy or fulfilled in my daily life.

Each one of us has our own path and no one can tell you how to find your own way in the world of art, but here are some things that have helped me:

1. Know

1. You will be a bad artist for a long time.

There is no way around this, no shortcut. A lot of people make art for a few years before deciding it’s not their thing and then they move on to other things. If you are wondering if you are going to be one of those people, the answer is yes. You will be a bad artist for a long time.

Trying to get over this hump is one of the hardest things about being an artist because it’s so easy to compare yourself to other artists and feel like you’re doing something wrong when you look at them and see nothing but excellence. It’s hard to believe that what looks perfect to you is just as flawed as your own work feels. The fact is, though, that most artists look back on their work from even just a few years ago and realize that they were awful. It takes time to learn how to do this thing well enough that it doesn’t matter how bad it looks now.

When you start, you will produce things that make you want to quit or that make you laugh at yourself for thinking anyone would want to look at them or that are just plain embarrassing. That’s okay! Everyone goes through this. It’s part of the process, so


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