13 Things College Students Should Know, But Maybe Didn’t Before

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I have been collecting information from college students for the past few years. Some of that information is about their concerns, some about their behaviors and some about their attitudes. I have attached a few of the more interesting findings from my research below:

      1) College students do not know what they are getting themselves into.

      2) They do not understand or appreciate all of the opportunities that are available to them as a result of attending college.

      3) They do not understand that poor academic performance will affect them later in life.

Here are 13 facts that college students should know, but maybe didn’t before:

      1) Most college grads will get stuck with student debt and will often struggle to pay it off. In fact, 69% of grads who graduated in 2013 had an average student loan debt of $29,400. And people with a bachelor’s degree still earn an average $20,000 more per year than people with only a high school diploma.

       2) A college education can be extremely valuable in terms of lifetime earnings potential. For instance, a person with only a high school diploma has an expected lifetime income of $2 million; a person

I’m going to tell you 13 things that I wish someone had told me in my first year of college. Some of them are obvious, but some of them are not. Hopefully, this article will be helpful to you in some way, whether it be studying for a test or making friends or just appreciating your time at college.

Treat your classes like they matter. I don’t mean they are going to make or break the rest of your life. It’s obvious that if you fail out of college, that’s going to effect your future prospects (although it’s not true for everyone). What I mean is, take advantage of being in college now and do the best you can in all your classes. You’re here for a reason and you need to realize that your time spent in college will ultimately be worth something.

Most importantly, don’t feel bad about not knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life… because no one does! You will have plenty of time when you graduate to figure out what you really want to do for a living and where you want go emotionally and physically. For now, just enjoy yourself and try not to stress too much about the little things.

Being a freshman is hard, but being an upperclassman

1. Being in college is not a job. It’s a privilege that you get to use your time and money to learn about yourself and the world around you, but it’s not a job. There are no bosses here. No one is going to force you to go to class or turn in an assignment or make sure you do assignments at all. If you don’t go to class or turn anything in, it’s just your choice. You’re still going to pass the class (most of the time) and it won’t hurt your GPA if you choose to skip class, so long as you stay caught up on the work.

2. Your parents didn’t save up for four years of college just so they could send you an email when they noticed there were two new pictures up on Facebook.

3. Being drunk isn’t cool; it’s lame (and possibly dangerous). People who drink aren’t cool; people who act like themselves are cool.

4. Going out and getting drunk every weekend is lame because most of the time, nothing interesting happens when you do this and it’s also expensive and makes it hard to get stuff done academically during the week when you should be focused on schoolwork anyway.

5 . You don’t have to do

1. You are not in high school anymore

You are a college student now, and you are no longer in high school. You have graduated to a place where there is no hierarchy other than that which you create for yourself.

Treat your fellow students as peers, not as inferiors or superiors. Every person on campus has something to bring to the table and something to learn from you. Don’t be afraid of your fellow students, don’t put them on a pedestal, and don’t act like they’re stupid because they’re younger than you. And don’t think that just because someone is older than you that they are automatically more knowledgeable or mature either. The age gap that exists between many college students is much smaller than the one between them and their parents or teachers, and some of these people might be even better at relating to young adults than those who raised them.

2.      College is a time to explore your interests

College is when a lot of people first really get exposed to a wide variety of new things and people. This is an excellent opportunity to explore different fields and meet people with different viewpoints than you have ever met before. You may find out that you love ancient history but hate modern art, or that you’re interested in becoming

From the point of view of an artist, the psychedelic experience is a treasure trove. It’s a really interesting thing to think about why psychedelics are illegal and what that says about our culture.

When the anti-drug laws started being passed in the US, in the 1960s, they were mostly a way to target black people and hippies. Psychedelic art is often very sensual, and that was something that worried a lot of people who were worried about sexual liberation at the time. One of my favorite pieces of art is a giant poster by H.R. Giger called The Androgyne, where you have a naked woman whose body ends in an anus from which she’s giving birth to a man. That completely flies in the face of any kind of traditional ideas about gender.*

There was also an idea that drugs were making people violent and crazy, which has been completely disproven. But it’s another example of how psychedelics have been used as a scapegoat for social problems that actually have nothing to do with them.

Psychedelic art was so named because it was thought to be inspired by drugs. The term psychedelic is derived from the Greek words “psyche” (mind) and “delos” (manifest). Psychedelic art was a visual trip that parents, teachers and politicians found frightening, disconcerting and confusing.

Terence McKenna wrote in his book Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge, “Psychedelic art is about putting on the eyes that come with the territory.”

Early psychedelic art typically presented distorted versions of familiar objects. It was meant to distort reality as seen through a person’s own eyes.

Here are some examples of psychedelic art:

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