This blog is about mandalas and other designs inspired by mandalas. It also has information on Hinduism, Buddhism, and general spiritual topics. The name of the site, Mandala Wall Art, refers to the fact that all of the designs are meant to be printed out and taped or glued onto a wall. I’m a graphic designer and have been creating these types of designs since I was very young.
This blog is not affiliated with any of the religions discussed here.
Hello, and welcome to the Mandala Wall Art blog. We’re a group of artists who make Hinduism and Buddhism-inspired mandalas for your home. We make hand-designed, high quality art prints for you to frame, hang up, and enjoy in your home or office.
Tibetan prayer flags are hung from high points and mountain passes in order to spread good fortune, wisdom, compassion and peace throughout the world. Green is the color of good luck and growth, so it’s no surprise that they’ve become popular outside of Tibet. Newer versions often feature intricate designs with vibrant colors.*
But what do prayer flags have to do with mandalas? Both are circular designs that represent the universe in symbolic form…
Mandala wall art is a way of creating beauty in your surroundings. This can be particularly helpful for those who are less artistic and may not feel as confident when it comes to creating their own mandalas. Mandalas come in all different sizes, shapes, and styles. Some of them are more intricate while others are more simple.
Tibetan mandalas are usually very complex and intricate in nature, while New Age mandalas tend to be a bit more simplistic. You can choose whatever style you prefer, it is completely up to you and the overall look you want to create in your home or office space.
The main reason why many people love mandala wall art is because it creates a sense of balance and harmony throughout the room. The placement of the design is also very important because it should not be placed in an area that causes imbalance or discord within the room.
You can place these designs anywhere within your home or office space where they will be seen by everyone who enters that room regularly. Many people choose to put their mandala wall art directly above their desk so they can look at it every time they work on their computer.
Tibetan designs tend to be quite large, so make sure you have an empty wall available that
Mandala wall art is a beautiful addition to any home or office. Simply by adding mandala wall art to your space you can create an uplifting, positive environment that will help you de-stress and focus on the things that are important to you. The images found in mandalas have been used for thousands of years as a way to meditate. They are circular in nature and use elements such as vibrant colors and shapes, making them visually appealing and calming at the same time. Mandalas also represent spiritual enlightenment and growth, which makes them a great addition to any room.
Tibetan Buddhist monks used mandalas as a way to depict three-dimensional structures through two-dimensional drawings. The term mandala is actually Sanskrit for “circle.” The first known written use of the word was from a textbook in Sanskrit that was published in Germany in 1789. It wasn’t until the 1960s that westerners began using mandalas as a way to depict their spiritual beliefs. The popularity of mandalas quickly spread throughout North America and Europe after they were introduced in 1970 by Jungian psychologist Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz.
Because they are so intricate and colorful, mandalas are great if you want to add some visual interest to
Art of all kinds is an important part of Hinduism and Buddhism, though mandalas may be the most popular form of Hindu art. There are several different kinds of mandalas, though, and it’s worth understanding how they differ.
The word “mandala” comes from the Sanskrit root man, meaning “to think”, and da, meaning “to give”. It’s a little bit like a riddle: to think something is to give it shape; to give something shape is to think it.
Designing a mandala is a very meditative practice. Hindus believe that each one has its own unique qualities and powers; they are seen as having reality in themselves as well as being reflections of the universe as a whole. When you draw a mandala, you enter into a dialogue with that reality. The process can have benefits for both body and soul.
The winter themed mandala is the first in a series of four that I will be making this winter. Each of the four will have a unique feel and design.
The first one, Winter Solstice, uses blues and greys to create an atmosphere of stillness as we await the coming of the light.
The second, Yule, uses greens and reds to create an atmosphere of celebration as we await the rebirth of the sun.
The third, Winter’s End, uses yellows and golds to give thanks for another year well lived.
And lastly, Imbolc, uses whites and silvers to celebrate that we have survived the long winter and give thanks for the coming spring.
This is a digital download that you can print out yourself on your own printer. The file prints onto two 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheets of paper. It is recommended that you print on card stock or photo paper for best results.”
Hi. I’m a professional graphic designer with over 20 years of experience. I create original artwork that is available as fine art prints, greeting cards, and various other products.
You can browse my images and find something you like or contact me to request custom work of your own design.
I love creating new pieces but I also enjoy creating things on request. You can contact me using the form below and we can discuss your project in more detail.
Some examples of my work: