Marc Jones, born in the United States of America is an award winning artist who has been living in London since 1977. For over thirty years, Marc Jones has created his remarkable art collection and has been generously sharing it with the public. The work is a reflection of his wide ranging interests and knowledge. This website is a collaborative effort, as we will endeavor to make it as interactive as possible.
A blog about Marc Jones and his art collection along with his other achievements. We hope you enjoy your visit and encourage you to post comments.
Marc Jones is a master of art. His art is colorful and fun. Marc was born in 1975 in San Clemente, California. He is currently 43 years old and resides in Orange County, California.
The award winning artist has been shown at many famous galleries including the Rubell Family Collection in Miami and the David Nolan Gallery in Los Angeles. Marc Jones has had his art purchased by stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and the late Heath Ledger to name a few.
Description: Marc Jones’s site offers a wide variety of information on him and his artwork including paintings that he has created. The site includes many pictures of his work along with video clips and some of Marc’s other accomplishments such as designing for television shows for MTV and Nickelodeon. This website also includes some writing by Marc Jones himself about how he became an artist and how he started painting professionally. Along with his website Marc Jones also has a Facebook page where you can get more information on him by checking out his “About” section to learn more about him there as well.
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This blog is designed as a information and reference resource for artists, art collectors, students, art enthusiasts, writers and the general public. The information on this blog is owned by Marc Jones or was reproduced here with his permission.
In addition to the above listed works of art, Marc Jones also has a large collection of contemporary paintings and photographs that he keeps in his private collection. This collection is not available for viewing at this time.
Marc Jones’ artwork can be seen in concert with some of the most successful rock bands in the business including: U2, Def Leppard, Metallica, Guns N’ Roses and others. His work has also been used for major Hollywood films including: “The Punisher”, “Daredevil” and others. Check out his blog often for new updates regarding new work and additional references. Also if you like what you see please support the artist by purchasing one of his prints or original paintings today .
Marc Jones is a recognized contemporary artist who has won numerous awards and exhibited his work in some of the finest galleries in the Southwest. Marc’s works are often described as “painterly” and “sublime”.
Marc Jones was born in Texas on July 31, 1960. Since early childhood he has been a visual observer of the world around him. The way he sees things is reflected in his art. His paintings are thought provoking, exciting, fun and full of color. The viewer is encouraged to explore their own imaginations and be transported to another place or time. Whether it’s a serene landscape, an action-filled sports scene, or anything in between, Marc’s paintings have a unique style that creates a sense of wonderment and fun for anyone who views them.
Marc Jones has received numerous awards for his art throughout the years including “Best of Show” at the Scottsdale Art Festival. His work can be found on many private collections as well as corporate collections such as Southwest Airlines and many more.
Who is Marc Jones? What kind of paintings does he paint? How many paintings has he painted? How long has he been painting? Does Marc Jones have a website? These are all questions that can be answered by reading this article.
I have been creating art for over a decade. I have been drawing since I was a little boy and I loved every second of it. I enjoy putting my imagination onto paper and seeing what comes out of it. I love the feeling of creating something new and unique. I feel like art is a great way to express myself and show people who I really am inside.
I would love to share my passion with the world, bring people together and make them remember how good it feels to play with colors and make something beautiful out of nothing at all.
Tattoos are my absolute passion, I love every aspect about them. I think one of the most amazing things about tattoos is that you can get a work of art that will stay on your body forever, even after you’re gone, if you do it right! This makes me proud to be an artist! It’s also nice to know that your tattoo will always look fresh, because no matter how many times you will get it touched up or retouched, or if you have it covered up with another tattoo, the colors in your first tattoo will always shine through somehow.
Since day one of my career as a tattoo artist, my goal has never changed: To create great tattoos for people all around the world
Kodak uses a lot of interesting techniques, and I’m sure they’ve got a ton of people who can do that kind of work. But I also know they’ve got to have some people who are really good at the nuts and bolts of making sure that their cameras work well. And they’ve got to have some people who are really good at using their knowledge of how things work to fix problems when they arise.
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