Do you have a bare wall in your house that seems to be drawing attention to itself? Is there one room in your house that needs a special touch? If you answered yes, canvas wall art may be your answer.
With so many types of canvas wall art, there are definitely ideas for every style and budget.
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Pick prints that speak to you
How do you choose the perfect print for your room? You first have to think about why you’re decorating. If it’s purely practical, you don’t have much choice. But if you’re decorating to make a personal statement, the best place to start is to think about what kind of art speaks to you.
If you never look at art, how do you know? Many artists, even world-famous ones, are out of touch with their audience. They spend years making what they think is great art, which nobody else sees, and then when they finally get paid for it, they have nothing to sell. So, by definition, the “perfect” art for them is art you don’t know about.
If you were shopping for art, you would be looking for art that speaks to you. You would be looking for art that speaks to your personality, that speaks to the world you grew up in, that speaks to your hopes and fears. You would not look for art that speaks to you.
And that’s an important difference between the two. The art you look for is the art that speaks to you, but the art you do not make is an art that speaks to nobody. The art you produce is never an art that speaks to you.
If you make art, you make it for others, not for yourself. You make it for yourself because you think it speaks to others, not because you think it speaks to you.
That’s why art is so personal. It’s personal because art is something you make, not something you see. You see art, but you don’t make it.
So, how do you know if you like art? By looking at other art? By looking at pictures in magazines? How do other artists decide whether they like art?
In short, they don’t.
Get the right finishing touch
If you’re decorating a room, the right finishing touch can make a big difference. If you’ve gone for a simple, neutral room, adding something unexpected, such as a quirky print, can lift it and make it unique.
A print doesn’t have to cost a lot to make an impact. There are lots of cheap prints, especially in shops specializing in wall decorations and prints.
Do not be afraid of bold prints. Some things look better in big sizes. For example, in a poster, bold graphics, such as bold patterns, tend to work better than small ones.
The most important thing about buying prints is to find them. Browsing is not often the best way to do that.
When you look for prints, look for pictures that interest you. If you spot a picture that catches your eye, it is more likely to work in the room.
One way to find pictures you like is to browse through magazines or newspapers.
After looking at magazines, if you haven’t got any pictures you like, go online and look through galleries.
If you want something unusual, try search sites like Google image search, which let you search for pictures based not only on their title or description but also by keywords.
Will it matches my other decor?
You’ve narrowed it down to 10 pictures, but which one of these is the one that will best express your personality?
Maybe you’ve thought about that and you just don’t know. Or maybe you don’t care. But it’s definitely not a good idea to buy a picture without thinking about it.
An important thing to appreciate about pictures is their effect on mood. A painting is, fundamentally, an abstraction. It is something that the brain takes in and projects onto a screen.
A picture can bring out the best in a room, or the worst. So before making your decision, you need to decide what you want the picture to do. Do you want it to make your room look bigger? Create a feeling of warmth? Make you feel happy?
Before you buy the picture, write a list of the feelings you want it to evoke. What are the colors in the picture? Why are they there? What mood do the pictures create? Then pick the picture that evokes those feelings.
A common mistake is to buy a picture because it offers an arresting image. A picture with a dog leaping over a waterfall may look wonderful, but will it be the stimulating thing you want in the room? Often, it won’t.
A picture is supposed to make you feel something. That’s why you paid money for it. It should not just be a pretty picture.
What colors work best?
So what colors work best? Most people have their favorite colors, but that’s like the favorite food question. Color is actually very complex.
Most people prefer warm colors, like reds, oranges, and yellows, to cooler colors, like blues and greens, or, conversely, prefer cool colors to warmer colors. But preferences vary. Most people prefer cool colors for clothes, but warm colors for houses.
For example, red is the color of love, but houses with red walls are generally thought to depress people. Similarly, people don’t think their bedroom should match their living room, but they think their bathroom should match their kitchen.
A more interesting question is: what colors work best?
We usually associate warm colors with safety, cool with danger, and both with heat. But in fact colors behave differently depending on light. Light can affect our feelings (“warm” or “cool”), but not the way light affects colors. The colors we associate with day are warmer, the colors we associate with night are cooler.
Color is a human invention. It’s one of the things that makes us humans. Without color, the world would be pretty dull. The earth might be pretty, but not very interesting. It is an important way we communicate, and helps us make sense of things. Color is immensely important in art. And color can be important in practical things, like choosing which color paint to use on your house or which shade to wear.
Pick a size that’s right for your space
The art of decorating a room is to understand which type of painting, print or photograph best suits the space.
While most prints on canvas are quite large, many come in small sizes, and many can be framed in sizes convenient for the casual viewer.
The size of your print on canvas should be chosen to fit comfortably in the space. It should complement the other decor in the room.
Generally, smaller prints are more desirable than large ones.
Keep them large
So often, people shop for art that is the right size, but not the right shape.
If you go into a gallery, you’ll see framed art hanging on the walls. The frames are different sizes, but all the art looks the same. The frame you choose influences how the art looks.
Usually, bigger is better. But not always.
Take, for example, the famous painting of sunflowers by van Gogh. Van Gogh painted it in several sizes, including small (4 x 6 inches), medium (8 x 10 inches), and large (11 x 14 inches). Which one do you think looks best?
Pick a print that matches your style
How to pick the right print for your room? If you’re buying prints, you’re choosing something that will be with you for a long time. You’re also choosing something that can set the tone for your room. You want it to say something about you, but you don’t want it to overwhelm the room.
You can’t get around that. The safest thing would be to pick something that’s neutral, something that you like but that other people won’t see. But that’s boring.
So here are some guidelines:
- Look for things that fit your style. If you like modern paintings, don’t buy a modernist painting from 1900. Your print should fit with the other things in your room.
- Look for things that fit the color theme in your room. If you’re buying prints from prints, that should already be taken care of.
- Look for things that fit other things in your room. If you’re buying prints from paintings, look for paintings that have the same colors as your other paintings. If you’re buying prints from sculpture, look for sculptures that have the same colors as your other sculptures.
- Look for things that fit the things you like. If you like landscape paintings, look for landscape prints. If you like abstract paintings, look for abstract prints.
- Look for things that fit other things you like. If you’re buying prints from art books, look for prints from the same artists. If you’re buying prints from magazines, look for prints from the same artists.
- Look for things that fit other things you like. If you’re buying prints from movies, look for prints from the directors.
Identify the focal point of the room
You can’t have too many prints in any room. But you probably don’t want more than one of anything.
A print distracts the eye. It’s like a waiter at a buffet table; you want him to disappear into the woodwork.
In a room, you want each print to have a focal point. The focal point is the thing that attracts the eye first. The focal point is the thing that makes you want to look more closely at the print. The focal point is the thing you want people to notice.
In a living room, it’s probably the sofa or a chair. In a bedroom, it’s the bed. In a kitchen, it’s the stove or refrigerator.
The focal point is the thing you want to draw your eye to. You don’t want it to be the kitchen table, or the bed, or the sofa.
The focal point should be something exciting or unusual. It should make a statement about your room. It should be something that says something about you.
The focal point will change over time. When something in the room changes, like a new piece of furniture, the focal point will change too.
Some prints have more than one focal point; some have none. A good print is distinctive.
In a bedroom, you want to see something romantic, not practical. In a kitchen, you want to see something functional, not decorative.
In any room, you don’t want too many patterns. The pattern is hard on the eye.
Use large prints in small spaces. Use small prints in large spaces.
In a small bedroom, use a small print. In a large bedroom, use a large print.
Use a large print over a sofa or a chair. Use a small print over a bed.
In a small room, use a large print.
Look for a style that complements your color palette.
You have two basic choices whenever you shop for art: buying art that you liked when you see it or buying art that blends in with everything else. But there’s a better way.
Consider your color palette. You probably have two or three colors that dominate your room. Maybe it’s blue, green, and brown. Maybe it’s yellow, orange, and red. Maybe it’s blue, gray, and turquoise. The colors you choose will set the tone for your room. A room dominated by warm and cool color contrasts will look very different than one dominated by two contrasting colors.
Now, imagine you have two paintings that work well together. One is a charcoal drawing of a tree. The other is a watercolor painting of a tulip.
The charcoal drawing is easy. The tulip is trickier. If you’re buying art that blends in with everything else, you want to buy an equally neutral tulip painting, preferably in the same color scheme.
But which color? If you bought the tulip painting only because it blended in with everything else, replacing it with something else would be better. But if you bought the painting because it fits in with your color scheme, it would be a mistake to replace it.
So which color should you choose?
Look at the painting. What stands out? Is it the tree or the tulip?
Which of the two colors do you love the most?
Now, look at the painting again. What do you like about it?
Is it the tree? The tulip?
Which of the two colors, the tree or the tulip, do you love the most?
In choosing a print on canvas, keep the following in mind
When choosing a print on canvas, keep the following in mind:
- How large will it be? If it is a small, framed print, it will look a lot smaller on the wall than it will in real life.
- How much light will it see? If it hangs in a sunny spot, or, better yet, if it hangs near a window, the light will wash it out.
- How dark will the room be? If it hangs in a bright room, it will appear darker than it will in real life.
- Is it a good subject? If you like the painting, you will like its print on canvas. If the subject is ugly, the print won’t help.
- How far away is it? If it is far away, you won’t see it well.
All of these are easy questions to answer when you are considering prints on canvas.
Here are 6 Tips to Hang Canvas Artwork That Will Impress Any Visitor: a blog to provide tips on how to hang art.
What You Need To Know Before Buying Wall Art: A blog about purchasing wall art, the benefits of wall art, and the considerations you need to make before purchasing it.
What Design Should I choose for my Home? A blog about the different types of wall art and how to pick an interior design.
Home Decor to Inspire Your Creativity: A blog about artistically themed home decor.