Dragon Art Paintings

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Dragon art paintings are a type of art that is mainly found in Asian culture. They depict the dragon as a powerful, mythical creature and they are often used in Asian movies and other forms of media.

Dragon Art Paintings are usually painted on scrolls of canvas or silk, and some of the most famous painters of the dragon art paintings have been many Chinese painters as well as Japanese painters and Korean painters.

Truly, it is important to find a good piece of dragon art painting that you like and can enjoy for years to come. There are so many different styles and types of dragon art paintings that it might be hard to choose one that you like best.

However, if you are looking for beautiful dragon art paintings then the sites below may be able to help you find what you like:

Dragon art is a very ancient and very interesting form of painting. Even if you are not interested in dragons, you will probably find some of the dragon art paintings presented here quite beautiful and very impressive.

Dragon Art Paintings

Artist: Unknown (Chinese Dragon Painting)

A dragon is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and East Asian culture at large. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the Chinese dragon and the Japanese dragon which arguably have their own respective mythologies, although they do share some common origins.

The Chinese Dragon is more serpentine with four legs; whereas the Japanese Dragon is more like a Western dragon with four wings.

Dragon art has been around for thousands of years and there is evidence that early man drew inspiration from the appearance of these creatures in order to create various artifacts such as cave paintings, statues, mosaics and many other forms of artwork.

There are even descriptions of dragons in religious texts such as the Bible that date back centuries ago. Dragons were also an important part of Asian culture in the medieval period as seen through many writings from this time period such as The Travels of Marco Polo into Cathay.*

Dragon Art Paintings are a great example of the dragons in art. Dragons are a mythical creature with reptilian or serpentine and sometimes bat-like or bird-like features that appear in the folklore of many cultures around the world.

The origin of the word dragon is from Latin drag(o)nem, which means “big snake”. The Ancient Greeks called this creature drakon, meaning “huge serpent of huge evil”. To the Aztecs and Chinese they were larger than snakes and were called Wó Lóng and Long.

Tales of dragons are present in nearly all cultures around the world. The dragon is usually an enemy to be overcome by a culture’s hero. A dragon-slayer culture hero is often associated with one or more dragon(s), who serve as his guardians or even as his helper(s). In some stories about dragon slayers, the heroes are associated with magical objects that have power against dragons, such as the sword Excalibur.

Dragon art has been found in ancient Sumerian artifacts and in ancient Chinese pottery. The oldest known collection of stories about dragons is from China, titled Shui Hu Zhuan (Water Margin), written by Shi Nai’an (c. 1200 AD).

Dragon paintings are something in a different league. An Asian dragon is much more than just a serpent or other animal represented as a mythical creature. They symbolize the universe and all its forces, which is why they were so respected.

Dragon artworks–from their creation to their interpretation–are in a class of their own, and any attempt at imitation will always fall short of the mark. But what makes dragon paintings so special?

Dragon art is not just painting pictures of dragons, it’s about bringing them to life, making them live and breathe as if they were true creatures. It’s not an easy task: it requires careful study and research into how these mythical creatures were perceived at different times throughout history and around the world.

There are many dragon art versions of the same creature, depending on where they were created and by whom. For example, European dragons have been brought to life using western techniques, while Eastern dragons have been depicted using different techniques. And even within each category you can find several distinct styles that differ from one another in terms of color choice, anatomy, body parts portrayed and overall feel.”

Because the dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good luck. The origins of the dragon as a mythological creature can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia around 3500 B.C. The Babylonian god Tiamat was often depicted as a dragon goddess. Dragons were also known to be feared in ancient civilizations such as Rome, Greece, China and Japan.

We have collected here a varied collection of dragon art that includes both traditional paintings of dragons and unique representations of the mythical creature in various artistic styles. These paintings are not only beautiful but also display the imaginary world that artists create from reality.

Dragon art is a huge and very diverse field. It includes sculpture, painting, drawing, metalwork, woodwork, jewelry-making and other fine arts. The word dragon can be used as a general term in this sense.

As an example of dragons as subject matter for fine art, consider how many different ways the Chinese have created images of dragons throughout history. There are examples of dragons painted on silk; engraved on jade; cast in clay and bronze; carved into lacquer or wood; woven into tapestries and rugs; molded in porcelain, silver, gold and other metals; embroidered in silks and cottons; printed on scrolls, fans , books and fabrics; modeled in paper mache; shaped out of plastic or rubber; drawn with pens and markers or written about with brushes and ink.

In this article we will concentrate on the Western style of art involving dragons. However there are many beautiful examples of Eastern dragon art available to us today through the magic of the Internet. Typically Oriental dragons tend to be more flowing patterns while European dragons tend to be more realistic but both styles are beautiful.

The dragon is a legendary creature in western folklore. The two most familiar representations of dragons are European and Chinese. Dragons have also appeared in many other cultures, especially in the art of Eastern Asia and South Asia.

In western mythology, dragons are depicted as reptilian creatures with magical powers; in the east, they are depicted as more serpentine and fish-like. Dragons can have a variable number of legs; none (as in European dragons), four, or many. They can be intelligent, moral, and capable of speech — the European dragon being especially so — while eastern dragons often have no distinct personality and are rarely capable of human speech. In western folklore, some dragons are said to breathe fire or to be poisonous, although not all are; some have wings, others do not.

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