Artist Portfolio

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This blog was created to showcase the works of an illustrator, designer, and artist. It is not only a portfolio but also a blog where I will talk about my different experiences as an artist. I will try to talk about the different kinds of jobs that a person in this industry might face, the different ways to approach art, and what it means to be an artist in today’s world. I hope that people who find this blog will be able to find some kind of inspiration from these illustrations and commentaries. I hope that my experience as an artist will help you with your projects or at least inspire you to pursue your dreams.

The purpose of this portfolio is to show the different ways I approach illustration. I’m a concept artist and illustrator from Sweden working in the video game industry, and making art for Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons and other games.


This is a blog around some of my illustrations, paintings and drawings. I have been drawing since I was a little kid, but in the last couple of years I decided to take it more seriously and make it my profession. I have had several gallery exhibitions already and I got interested in illustrating and working with people to create art that they can hang on their walls.

I will post here some of the work I’ve done so far, as well as videos and tutorials about how I approach my work. I hope you enjoy it!

Being an artist is a lot of things, but one thing it’s not is a job. Being an artist is more like being a life-lover. Artists are driven by their passion and curiosity for art and life. There are many different ways to approach art, but the most important thing is to do what you love.

Imagine yourself as an artist and work your way through the phases of your career. Figure out what you need to learn and practice those skills until they become your own. Learn from other artists and read about art history. When you’re ready, start working on your own portfolio and then start showing it to galleries, magazines or book publishers, who will hopefully publish your work!

The blog will reveal the artist’s portfolio, with a short explanation or motivation for each illustration. The blog will be used as an online portfolio to display all of the work from this 2 year period.

The style of my illustrations vary greatly depending on each subject and theme, but are primarily drawn in ballpoint pen. This gives the work a sketchy and loose feel. I will often add a personal touch by hand-lettering the text that appears within the illustration. I strive for visual clarity and simplicity in my illustrations, avoiding over-complication.*

This blog is an attempt to share my work and experiences as an artist, illustrator and designer. It will be a place for me to post illustrations and tutorials and for you to get a glimpse of the process behind it all, as well as a space for me to reflect on my life as an artist and share some thoughts about the art world.

When I started as a freelance illustrator I was told by an art director that there are two kinds of illustrators, those who work for the ad agencies and those who work for the publishers.

He meant it as a compliment, but it made me feel like I was in the wrong place. “I’m not interested in either of those things,” I said. “I want to do book covers.”

“Oh, you’re one of us then,” he said.

I’ve had this conversation many times since, with other clients and other art directors. As an artist who specializes in illustration for books and magazines, my job is to be, by some measure, among the best. That’s what people expect when they hire me, and that’s what I produce. But sometimes I wonder if some people think that because I work on books rather than ads or products that my work is somehow less special, less important?

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