Penmanship is a lost art, but also a forgotten one. The handwriting of every generation is inferior to the one before it, as cursive slowly gives way to the drier, more efficient printing style. But there are still many who would argue that beautiful handwriting is an important skill to have, even if it’s not required for everyday communication.
What makes some writing so very beautiful? It’s partly in how it looks and partly in how it feels when you write. The best handwriting will flow naturally from your mind to the page. If you pause at all while writing, it should be because you are thinking about what you want to write next, not because you are struggling with a letter or a word that refuses to come out right.
Penmanship always requires practice and patience, but with these ten tips you can improve your penmanship faster than most people imagine possible.**
There are ten simple rules to follow in order to improve penmanship. If followed, they would guarantee better handwriting than 99% of the population.
Rule 1: The initial position must be upright, the writing instrument horizontal, and the paper held firmly in position.
Rule 2: The letter “l” must be made with a small space between the two strokes which form it; otherwise the “l” will look like an “i”.
Rule 3: The loops of all letters should have uniform size throughout.
Rule 4: At the beginning of words, the first letter should not touch the line above it; at the end of words, the last letter should not touch the line below it.
Rule 5: Letters that have ascenders or descenders should not touch one another or cross over one another.
Rule 6: The letters “f” and “t” should always be joined at their bases and never have spaces between them.
Rule 7: All letters with tails (such as “c”, “e”, “g”, etc.) should be finished at least a tenth of an inch from where they start to curve downward.
Both upper and lower case letters should be written exactly alike; otherwise your writing will look like that of a person
Beautiful handwriting is an art. It’s really fun to learn, and it makes writing more enjoyable. The more you practice, the better you’ll get, so why not start now?
1. Keep your handwriting simple and compact.
2. Use the entire page to make your writing as large as possible, without crowding the left margin.
3. Keep your writing as close to the center of the page as you can without touching the edge.
4. Keep your lines straight and even, with no variation in height or tilt.
5. Raise your pen or pencil at a consistent angle throughout your writing.
6. Practice every day, but use pencil whenever possible so that you don’t wear out the paper or dirty it with ink blots.
7. Choose an ink that flows easily from pen or pencil and wears well on paper, such as india ink or Higgins’ Black Magic Ink for fountain pens. Black India ink is also best for dip pens and quill pens because India ink will not bleed through heavy paper and will dry quickly on its surface, unlike liquid inks like Higgins’ Blue-Black Writing Fluid which will bleed through most paper unless you write very lightly (but Higgins’ Black Magic Ink is excellent for fountain pens.)
8. Start each capital letter just below the mid-line of the preceding lowercase letter so that all lowercase letters are proportioned correctly and there’s no danger of knocking off a
1. Which is better: handwriting or keyboarding?
Most people say they would rather read a letter written by hand than one typed on the computer.
The neatness, style, and individuality of handwriting are all attractive qualities. Handwriting is also less likely to be misinterpreted than typing, which can lead to confusion and frustration.
It is said that John Hancock’s large signature was so clear that it was the only one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence that could be read without difficulty two hundred years later.
How important is handwriting to you? Is it worth spending a few minutes every day working on your penmanship?
2. What is wrong with poor handwriting?
Poor handwriting can cause a number of problems in life, particularly in regard to job opportunities or advancement in the work place. In some cases it can actually get you fired.
It can also cause misunderstandings and problems in your personal relationships. Whether a note from a child or spouse, or an important letter from someone you know and trust, poor handwriting can misinform or mislead the reader into thinking something other than what was intended. This can result in hurt feelings, hard feelings, and strained relationships.
3. Why does my handwriting look like chicken scratch?
Writing is an art form. It is a skill that involves many complex elements, such as penmanship, grammar and vocabulary. To write beautiful script, you need to recognize the basics of good handwriting.
Before you begin writing, it is important to position your paper correctly. Make sure you are using a quality paper that has enough space between lines and plenty of room to write in.
In order to write beautifully, you must have a properly-tuned writing instrument. For best results, use a fountain pen rather than a ballpoint or felt-tip marker. Also make sure your paper is perfectly smooth; otherwise your writing may not flow smoothly across the page.
The fountain pen should be held with the fingertips of each hand placed at an even distance from its tip and balanced on the fingertips of both thumbs. The most important thing when writing with a fountain pen is making sure that your grip is comfortable from beginning to end so that no extraneous muscles get involved in the process of writing or the words will not be clear and legible.
When it comes to beautiful handwriting, you needn’t worry about making mistakes – just don’t repeat them! Remember to proofread your work carefully before leaving it for others to read because second drafts are better than first impressions when