Should You Hire a Designer or Make Your Own Infographics? 6 Pros and Cons of Each

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I’m not a designer but I do write infographics and charts. I know it’s important to present information in an easy-to-understand format.

When doing this, you have 2 options: hiring a designer or doing it yourself. Both can be costly and time consuming, but there are pros and cons to each option.

Should you hire a designer or make your own infographic? It really depends on the project. Considering the pros and cons of each will help you determine which is better for your endeavor.

Infographics have exploded in popularity in recent years, with companies like, Visually and Infoactive helping designers and data visualizers showcase their projects. However, even with these resources available, some companies may still wonder if they should hire an infographic designer or create their own infographics.

Infographics are great because they give viewers an instant overview of a topic, but when it comes to creating them yourself or hiring a designer, there are several things you need to consider. Here is a rundown of the pros and cons of designing your own infographic or hiring a designer for the job.

Infographics are becoming more and more popular, but the question of whether you should hire a designer or do it yourself is not an easy one. On one side, you have the cost of hiring someone, which can range from less than $200 to well over $1,000. The other side of that coin is the time and effort you would have to put into creating your own infographic.

TIP: You don’t have to be an expert graphic designer to create an infographic that will impress your audience. Just follow these simple steps and you’ll be done in no time.*

How much does a design cost?

The price of infographic design depends on how much work is required and how fast you need it completed. Prices vary depending on what services you hire a designer for. If you want them to create the whole thing for you, then the costs can go up to over $1,000. If you just want a few tweaks made to an existing design or want some advice about how best to present your information, then it could cost as little as $200.

Let’s look at some pros and cons of each method below:

Should I make my own infographic?

Yes! Making your own infographic can be a really great way of getting an idea

Should you hire a designer or make your own infographics? The answer to this questions differs depending on your goal and the type of infographic you want to create. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of hiring a designer or making your own infographics.

Make Your Own Infographics

The arguments in favor of making your own infographics are:

You have complete control over the design. If you are looking for something specific, like creating an infographic for a specific client, then you can get exactly what you want without compromising.

Let’s be honest: no one knows your target market better than you do. You know what they like and what they don’t like. Therefore, you can create an infographic that is perfectly tailored to them. If you don’t create it yourself, then there is always a chance that the designer might not know your audience as well as you do.

You might be surprised by how much you save if you make it yourself. This is especially true if you are creating infographics for something like print media or for social media rather than for something that will be displayed on a screen (like the side of a building). You probably won’t spend nearly as much on design software as professional designers do.

You can learn from

Designing infographics is a craft that requires the designer to consider how their design will be perceived by the audience. Designers must think about the information, how it should be presented and how it can be structured in a way that will enhance understanding and retention. The infographic you design should be visually appealing, but also convey accurate information.

I’ve been designing infographics for almost 10 years now, so I figured I would help out and list some pros and cons of hiring a designer vs. doing your own.**

Whenever a design project gets under way, there are two main ways of approaching it: the DIY way, and the hire-a-designer way. As much as possible, we try to follow the same principles here at Buffer: We want to be transparent in everything we do and show that our success is built on taking calculated risks.

Trying to be transparent with our own numbers, we’ve built an infographic that tells you everything about how much our team and our business has grown over the past year. But how did it happen? Was it because of a single growth hack? Was it because of a genius idea? Or was it because we followed some simple principles that allowed us to scale into the business we are today?

The answer is most parts all of the above, but not exactly in the way you might think. In this article, I want to share some thoughts behind our design process, which has led us to create some pretty successful infographics (and also some not so successful ones).

Infographics are a great way to present information visually. They’re great for showing information in a more engaging way, like the example below.

To start, you need to know what your infographic is about and who it’s for. If it’s for a website, think about what kind of person would be viewing it. What kind of impression do you want them to have? You may also want to consider how many words or phrases you’ll need to include in order to communicate your message effectively.

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