The Evolution of the Tattoo

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Interesting articles about how Tattoo art became what it is today. A place to find everything you wanted to know about tattoos and their origins.

The tattoo, a form of body modification, was practiced in ancient societies all over the world. There are documented examples of tattoos on Egyptian mummies dated to circa 2000 BCE. With the exception of the Balkans, where it was practiced by women only, tattooing has traditionally been a male activity in most societies. To this day, many Native American tribes either ban women from getting tattoos or limit the kinds of designs they can have.

The word “tattoo” (or tattow in the 18th century) comes from the Samoan word “tatau”, meaning “to strike”.[1] The original meaning in Polynesian culture was “to tap on a person” (i.e., to hit them lightly), but the meaning changed in time to its current usage.[2]

Tattooing was common among Native Americans, who developed an association between tattoos and courage.[3][4][5] Members of the 1st Marine Division had their regimental flag symbol — a globe circled by a snake with the words “Kilroy was here” on it — tatooed on their

Tattoo is a type of body modification which involves inserting ink, dyes and pigments, either indelible or temporary into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment.

Tattoo art has existed since ancient times among many cultures in all parts of the world. It started out as purely spiritual adornment used by shamans and healers as a way to mark their bodies as spiritual and holy. Later, tattooing evolved into a way to differentiate members of warrior tribes, criminals and slaves. Today, tattoos are less about social status and more about personal expression.

The art of tattooing has come a long way over the years. From being used as primitive markers for identification or punishment, tattoos have become an art form with limitless possibilities for creating beautiful works of art on human skin. To be a great artist in this field is no longer just about being skilled at creating beautiful designs; it’s about being able to create something that will last for a lifetime and be an expression of who the person is at their very core.*

Art or Tattoo?

The word art tattoo is a term that is used to define any form of tattoo that is considered to be a piece of art. It can be the most intricate design or a simple slogan. The term “art” used in this way is also used to describe a tattoo artist who specialises in drawing up designs for tattoos. The art of tattooing may even be used to describe the actual way that people draw tattoos, as well as the business of tattooing itself.

Tattoos are everywhere, on people of all different ages and backgrounds. They come in all shapes and sizes too, some are small and delicate while others cover the whole arm or leg.

There is more than one type of tattoo, but they all have their own individual features. A common belief is that all tattoos are painful, but this is not necessarily true; some tattoos don’t hurt at all such as henna tattoos, which only cause a slight stinging sensation. However, most traditional tattoos do involve needles being repeatedly inserted into the skin with ink being injected under the surface. This process takes time and effort so it makes sense that some may require you to go through training first before actually getting one done.

Tattoos are an art form with a rich history. The oldest known tattooed mummies date back more than 5,000 years and are located in the Siberian territory of the Altai Mountains. Their tattoos depict fantastic images of animals and mythical beings, as well as geometric figures and shapes.

Tattooing is deeply intertwined with the cultures of Polynesia and Micronesia. In fact, the word “tattoo” is derived from the Tahitian word tatau, meaning to mark or to carve. In areas such as Samoa and Tonga, a person’s rank within society was often signaled through intricate facial tattooing that signified wealth, status, and achievement. Today, tattoos have evolved into a form of body art that can be fashionable or symbolic of one’s personal identity.

Tattooing has been used by some cultures throughout history as a rite of passage into adulthood. The Ainu people of Japan traditionally placed dots on their faces to signify they had come of age through ear piercing rituals performed at the onset of puberty. The Dani tribe in Papua New Guinea used to tattoo their stomachs to appease their gods during times of illness or famine.

Tattooing can be traced back to ancient Egypt, when slaves were typically tattoo

Tattoos are a form of artistic expression. They evoke a wide range of emotions and reactions, which may be positive or negative, depending on your perspective. The origin of the Tattoo is still a mystery to many art historians.

Tattooing is a permanent form of body decoration that has been around for over 5,000 years. Some people even believe that this practice originated in the ancient world as part of the initiation rites into certain tribes and secret societies. Tattoos have certainly been used for thousands of years to mark slaves and prisoners, to signify rank among various groups, and as marks of devotion to deities or religious figures.

One reason why tattoos are so popular today is that they are a relatively safe way for people to express themselves artistically with their bodies. Unlike other forms of body modification such as piercings, tattoos can be removed if desired with laser surgery. Another appealing aspect of tattoos is that they can help individuals overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation, especially when they are able to share their feelings with others who have similar designs.

In this article I want to talk about the art of tattooing. Most people are aware of many different tattoos that are out there but not everyone is aware that there are a lot of different styles of tattooing. The style of tattooing has evolved over the years just as all art forms have.

Tattoo designs have come from the geometric to the photo realistic and everything in between.

I have been a member of The Tattoo Society for almost 5 years now and a certified Tattoo Artist for 9 years now and I wanted to share my vast knowledge with everyone about the art of tattoos.

In modern times, tattoos are used as a form of self-expression, a way to visually communicate one’s beliefs and feelings. The use of tattoos has evolved over the years with the social acceptance of artists and body modification. Long before the Māori people adorned their skin with ink, tattoos were used as amulets, marks of status, an initiation rite or as a sign of religious devotion.

Tattooing is as old as human history itself and has been practiced in many different forms by different cultures throughout the world. It was believed that tattooing was a magical process that could protect individuals from evil spirits and bring good luck to them. The Ainu people wore facial tattoos for beautification purposes in addition to spiritual protection. The Ainu believed that facial tattoos were capable of warding off evil spirits and disease from the body. In Polynesia, body art was used to identify warriors in battle or in single combat during ritual events.

The history of tattooing is vast and extensive enough to fill several volumes yet only small pieces have been revealed over time because of its secretive nature.

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